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ALIM University FAQs

Most common questions are answered already on the website. It is faster to search than sending email and waiting for an answer. If you are looking for an answer that you are unable to find on the website,

please contact our general admins held desk at

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+1-9174004420, Global Representatives Admins

Please NOTE

Majority of Muslims expect quick services. ALIM University is not a Madrassa or Institute but a traditional Islamic university based on foreign academic standard university platform. Every applicant is required to follow the steps of the admission process going through departments for evaluation to get it approved.

Quick Questions

There is no application date. Start any time.

Follow the steps in the Alim Course/Degree Program Section

This is an international ALIM University that requires the proper process of admission. Please follow the steps in the admission page and read Alim/Degree section to apply for admission.


The word “Alim Course” has become very common in South Asian countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Etc. But the majority aren’t aware that there is no such a thing called “Alim Course” but the word is “Islamic Studies”. Also, it has become very common that Madrassas and institutes use the generic format of study up to basic level of Islam but not depth study and spent 6-8 years in Alim Course and yet the knowledge far behind the Islamic academic university level.

In Islamic academic university level, it is called, “Masters Degree” is 6 years of study going through depth study of Islam going deeply through the roots and foundations of Islam.

Alim Course/Bachelor Degree  4 Years

Alim Course/Masters Degree 6 Years

ALIM University is not a madrasa or institute but an advanced quality international foreign standard University with a powerful foundation of traditional Islamic Courses to build international quality Muslim scholars without restricted to any sect that requires a deep study and research through all areas.

Any age can join Alim Course/Degree Programs and start anytime. The requirement is basic English and enough age to understand the courses by following the University policy and rules.

Follow the steps to apply for admission for

Alim Course/Degree Programs Section at

When you will enroll into courses, the course page will have

-Books pdf
-Study format
-Video materials
-Weekly quizzes
-Weekly assignments
-Midterm exam
-Midterm project
-Final exam
-Final exam research project

It includes materials and external links to contents for related course supplemental to have wide options to research and study.

There is no time restricted for Islamic Majors. Study your own way and take exams anytime you want and submit assignments. Everything is online through student portal online campus.

Diploma Courses
Free diploma courses are short courses from 4-8 weeks time restricted

Alim Course/Degree Program/Certification

General calendar
Per Semester/Course/Certification is 20 Weeks
9 Weeks study
9 Weeks study

All programs are 100% flexible selfpaced flexible, start and finish anytime without restrictions or due dates.

For Free Islamic Courses Diploma. Read the section in the admission page of Diploma part and follow the steps.


Grade                    Percentage                          GPA

A                             90–100%                             4.0

B                             80–89%                                3.0

C                             70–79%                                2.0

D                             60–69%                                1.0

F                              0–59%                                  0.0

Everything 100% is online, including exams. There is no need to travel for classes or exams. Everything is online.

Visit our Tuition page for more information on payments


The Quizzes, Midterm and Final exams will be taken online according to schedule. There will be weekly quizzes, assignments, midterm and final exam project will be available on course page. The quizzes, midterm and final exams are closed book, will have time limit on all quizzes, midterm and final exam. There will be about 25-50 multiple-choice questions on midterm and about 75-100 questions on final exam, depends on the course you are taking. There will be a different format for free diploma courses and degree courses.

The exam policy is, the minimum requirement of quizzes/exams is a week gap in between and delay is allowed has no limit but it is not allowed to take 2 quizzes/exams within a week and same rules and policy applies to assignments. Opening quizzes/exams before the time, the system auto monitors and records time and date activity performed while logged on campus and will result in fail/suspension of account for violating and breaching the policy by not respecting and following the university policy and rules. Please read policy on course page.

All the courses are 100% online, including exams. Sign in from everywhere and follow the study format.

There are no live classes, due to students around the world with different times and hard to control thousands of students. There will be the course material and guidelines on how to study. It will have a course outline, text books pdf, existing available content on the internet like YouTube, will be more based on research and assignments, quizzes, midterm, final exam and final thesis project.

ALIM University programs and courses are online only with complete professionally developed structure and academic format and advanced quality of courses equivalent to international university standard.

ALIM education and courses are based in English, but we offer support in multi languages thru email or chat.

ALIM University does not follow or restrict itself to any Madhhab and does not restrict to particular group. ALIM University education system is purely based on education directly from Quran and Hadith without restricting to one madhhab. ALIM students will be learning thru directly from the Quran and Hadith and thru research thru different madhhabs.

Any course you complete with passing marks, you will receive the award based on the courses or major you have completed.


The image can be seen on website.

Questions and Answers

There is no requirement for Diploma courses are free Islamic courses online , can start anytime, as long as the students understands it. Degree courses are required first to be registered and required documents to apply for full time or part time degree program.

We have it made it hard quizzes, exams and projects. Our mission is to strong foundation of students studying hard. The students will not be able to pass the exams without managed time to study everyday. Our goal is to make strong Muslim community leaders, that they can later work in the similar field.

Please visit Tuition Table

Yes, we are Muslims, our priority is brotherhood and help each other in best manner to make sure our students understands properly and also can get help from other students. ALIM does not treat it’s students like strict institution, but the main goal is to spread the Deen and help others. The students with least English are welcome to study, we offer support in multi languages.

If you are looking for degree in Islam then this is not a place for you. We want our students to have strong intention to lead humanity towards good with strong foundation to learn and teach others later. May be a student will get degree by cheating, but as Muslim it will not satisfy his/her soul. Cheating in Islam is Haram, a student can pass the course by cheating and get degree in the world, but in Aakhirah it is zero in the eyes of Allah. Working hard and taking exams with closed book is a honesty and satisfies the soul makes more proud of him/her self rather than cheating.

The Diploma programs are 4-8 weeks courses with time restrictions.

All major Degree programs on ALIM are self paced, flexible. There is no time restriction or due dates. The students are free to study and take quizzes, exams and submit assignments according to their own schedules. There are no due dates or dead lines. Start and finish anytime on all Degree and certificate programs.

There will be same format of quizzes and midterm and final exams as degree courses. The system will auto grade the quizzes and exams.

ALIM University is online website only, offering traditional Islamic courses programs.

If you fail the exam/course to retake the exam, there will be a penalty of $25 to set up a new exam of the course midterm and final.

Pay Penalty as Tuition Pay

There is a financial aid plan offer for degree and certificate programs.

Start up: Admission Application Fee + 1st installment

Tuition Payment

Once the program or course is activated, there will be monitor and logs recorded of student progress report and will be automatically recorded into their entire course data report. The student will receive auto fail, if there is no record showed in entire program, but showing at the last days of exams. As there will be weekly quizzes, writing assignments, midterm and final. It shows the true intention and dedications to studies from their timely schedules and progress report. The students has upload their weekly writing assignments and keep themselves updated. Full-time students will simply follow the format of academic calendar and for part-time students their format of study will start form the day their course is registered and follow the weekly formats on self paced study.

There is no time restrictions or scheduled classes. It is self paced and you can set your own schedule when to study.

ALIM has monitoring system of recording of entire activity when logged on site, including login, logout and the time spent on his course. Example, if a student register in course, but never showed and logon on day of quiz of exam the system will automatically fail the course, based on the interest. Example a student will login everyday, it will show his true interest in studying, unlike just logon on exam day and pass the exam by cheating.

There is no requirement for free diploma courses. There will be requirements of documentation those want to enroll in degree programs, due to depends on number of students applications, we will try our best to process the application soon and have you start the program.

We have created a very simple procedure of learning even for basic knowledge of computer and English. Simple register and start your program.

There will be weekly quizzes with writing assignments. Midterm will have about 50 questions along with writing assignment project. The final will be similar format with about 100 questions and writing assignment project.

Yes, ALIM is a private, non-profit organization educational online institution, offering traditional Islamic courses online. Currently there is no physical campus except offering Islamic courses online.

Please visit the page for more information at

The students are not allowed to open the quiz before the time else the system will have log file shows your opening time of quiz. Midterm and final exams section will be unlocked according to schedule.

ALIM does not offer refund, the students are required to ask questions and send emails for any questions before payment.

Due to security reasons and several issues, some people try to abuse the system or misuse by going thru data and later request refund.

We have created a system made it convenient for students to study from laptop or phone or tablet. The students must have stable internet connection during the time of quizzes and exams.

Visit visit for more information


ALIM University Degree Programs
Undergraduate Admission
Graduate Admission
ALIM PhD Program
ALIM Jurist Program

There will be different types of structure are offered for full-time students and part-time self paced students. ALIM has flexible structure of study of program. The full-time students will follow the academic calendar at it has entire year structure of study. Each semester will have 6 courses and students will also have choice to either go thru academic calendar following confirm format or the students will have the choice to study part-time still will be allowed to choice entire semester courses or can even choose few and study slowly. There is broad flexibility provided to students to have opportunity, not be disappointed, rather choose what ever they like. But it is recommended to follow the format according to academic calendar.

ALIM University is an online traditional Islamic university online only. Currently there is no physical campus, till further notice and management and faculty are operating throughout the world from different countries.