Alimah Course Online

Alimah Course Online Program

Alimah Course Online for sisters is Islamic courses package for students to become a traditional Alim to teach Islam others. The Alimah Program Online is a comprehensive detail of Islamic courses on academic quality to help students to study from basic foundation of Islam towards advancing in Islamic studies curriculum with intention to serve humanity and please Allah with pure sincerity. Alimah Course online is a journey for a Muslim student, with a purpose of becoming Muslimah scholar and also move towards a further in studies to be a leader. On the other hand, in the Islamic community, Muslimah scholars move towards the right path through this Course and get Islamic knowledge and become professional teachers.

How Many Years is Alimah Program Online

Alimah Course Online 6 years Islamic studies to have at least knowledge of fundamentals of Islam and understand Quranic Arabic and Hadith. Alimah course online getting degree, doesn’t make a perfect Alimah, because it requires sincerity and dedication to please Allah and serve Islam. Islamic studies online is up to six years is also called Masters in Islamic studies academically, MA Degree in Islamic studies available for anyone with basic English and computer to do at least assignments and understand.

What Madhhab is ALIM Education Based on

Alimah Course Online education system of ALIM University, does not follow particular Madhhab or sect of Islam. The Alim Course package is a traditional and pure education directly from the actual syllabus of Islam, example the students will have textbooks of traditional teachings from Quran, Tafsir, Hadith, Seerah, History, Dawah Etc. The foundation of ALIM University, goal and aim is to build powerful future Muslimah scholars, unlike the institution’s education system rely on particular madhhab and follow their curriculums. The students will get chance to be more academic in Islamic studies and move to advance level into practice in academic writing skills, that will help the students to involve in major academic Islamic projects in writing international publication styles and following universal rules and methodology.

Alimah Course Curriculum

It is very important for a student to be aware of where they get Islamic education from? Majority institutions are connected to a particular sect education system. Students to be on the right path of Islamic education must be very careful in choosing the right institution. Many institutions are teaching the books of a particular school of thought, and their syllabus and curriculum are based on some school of thought.

ALIM University curriculum is based on traditional and pure directly from Quran and Hadith. The students will be studying directly from the Quran, Hadith, Seerah, History, Etc. ALIM University has a very strong foundation of student of knowledge of Islam, especially for those who have strong intention to become Alimah, a Muslim Scholar, a teacher to teach others right Islam.

The education foundation of ALIM University and the students after graduating will be strong and confident in their hard work in studies, unlike many ulamas restrict themselves to one madhhab, as this is not the teaching of Islam.

The goal of ALIM University is to build strong foundations for next generations to protect Islam from divisions and build unity through pure Islam without following ulamas blindly. Studying at ALIM University is a great challenge to pass and build a strong foundation and then move forward to spread the true Deen.

Alimah Course Syllabus

Alimah Course Syllabus is a structure that is developed in a way in which a student will broadly research in wide range of paths through multi schools of thoughts. As well as It includes his judgment based on the research and in-depth understanding of traditional Islam to modern era problematic conflicts to modern issues also this is a complete online Islamic education program that protect from misguidance as well as learn authentic Islamic thoughts from its original roots that is Prophet PBUH and the Sahabahs RA.


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