Aayat-ul-Kursi is 255th verse of Surah Al-Baqarah. This verse is a very important and powerful effect of its recitation in the life of human beings. Aayat-ul-Kursi Significance program will help to educate the kids, new Muslims, and those who are interested in the broad knowledge, beneficial and potent effects of reciting this verse of the Holy Quran. This is a united program, That offered by ALIM University. It is available for all types of candidates who access it easily without paying any kind of registration fee.
The syllabus of this program includes the introduction of Aayat-ul-Kursi as well as its Arabic recitation, translation, Tafseer, Nahwi Tarakeeb and the purpose of revelation, need of its recitation on daily basis at a specific time, knowledge about the rewards of Allah on its recitation after each Fardh Salah, its importance for protection against evil-eyes, black magic, Jins, and many other potent effects. Theoretical lessons will deliver about the description of Aayat-ul-Kursi to the students. It additionally offers activities to remember them. Then Students have to practice it in daily life, memorize it. This practice will develop a habit of the recitation of Aayat ul Kursi as well as help the students in many difficult situations, you can easily access this broad knowledge-based program on Aayat-ul-Kursi, Just filling up the details and confirming the registration online.
Learn why the Aayat ul Kursi is so significant to Muslims. This course will teach you about recitation, the benefits of reciting, and much more. The Aayat ul Kursi course teaches the meanings of the Ayat ul Kursi in English and Arabic. It also offers exercises to memorize them.
You can also enroll in different courses one of them is Hadith Course For Kids
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Aayat ul Kursi significance Courses Online
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